Together, we can create a sustainable and inclusive Culver City for everyone.

Friends and Neighbors,

Thank you for joining us on this journey!

As a dedicated civil servant, community organizer, and fellow resident, I've been engaged in local advocacy ever since my husband and I made Culver City our home 7 years ago.

Since then, I worked at the Los Angeles Department of Transportation, served as Vice Chair of Culver City’s Advisory Committee on Housing & Homelessness, and co-founded Culver City’s cherished Pride celebration now in its 4th year running. Currently, I'm finishing my Masters in Public Policy at UCLA, focusing on Housing, Transportation, and Urban Policy, slated to graduate this June.

Culver City has grown rapidly to host several entertainment and technology companies and a world class hospitality scene, yet I've witnessed firsthand the challenges so many in our communities are facing due to our housing crisis. Renters are burdened by skyrocketing costs, young people are being priced out of their hometown, and Culver City workers are having to commute long distances just to contribute to our community. The cost of housing is quickly slipping out of reach for everyone but the very wealthy.

We have made strides passing renter protections and building permanent supportive housing for our neighbors experiencing homelessness. But there is still so much work left to make sure Culver City remains a vibrant place where people of all ages, races, and backgrounds can thrive.

That's why I'm stepping up to lead — to foster a Culver City where housing is abundant, our streets are safe, and our budget is rooted in services and care.  

If our vision resonates with you, please consider supporting us by donating and getting involved. Creating lasting, impactful change requires all of us.

Thank you for being part of this pivotal moment. Together, we can create a Culver City that's sustainable, inclusive, and brimming with opportunity for all.

In Community,